• Do you see production animals?

    We do not see production animals or horses (this includes sheep, goats, lambs, calves etc) however, we have a list of veterinary clinics that do provide these services within greater Launceston and surrounds.

  • Are there any types of household animals you won't see?

    We will always endeavour to treat all pets and wildlife presented to us, to the best of our ability.

  • Should I start any sort of first aid before we arrive at AEH?

    There are some specific conditions where we need pet owners to begin first aid at home before driving to us, we will always advise if this is the case.

  • I called in a panic but my pet is fine now, how do I cancel?

    Clients are encouraged to call us if they decide not to come in so we can update our wait times for other non-critical patients accordingly.

  • Is it easy to find your location?

    Upon calling AEH we will ensure you know where we are located, and how to find us at our location at 207 Hobart Road, Kings Meadows.

  • Is there a wait time?

    We see all patients based on the critical nature of the emergency or illness so if your pet isn’t facing a critical time-sensitive emergency you may face a wait time. Before you arrive we can give you advice on potential wait times for non-critical patients.

We’re here to help your furry friends, no matter the time.